Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Reminisce DT Call

Here is a LO and a mini book that I completed for this call. I apologize in advance that these are photos instead of scans. I forgot that it was Tuesday, (LSS is closed), and I didn't count on the rain today=poor lighting. My fingers are crossed on this one. There are very few companies that I could put their product on my table and have everything I need to make the project I want. The only thing I added to these were some cardstock, a couple journaling labels, ribbon/lace, buttons and a few metal embellishments. I love their cardstock stickers and how easy it was to coordinate products between lines. So in my most desperate yet professional voice, Reminisce, PLEASE PICK ME! Thank you for your attention. :-)

I seriously feel better when I scrap....

There is just nothing like putting a few photos and some paper to cardstock for getting my thoughts organized. There is nothing like finishing a project...being able to check something off of my never ending to do list. I just love it!

Today was the last day for soccer. I finally got into a routine for soccer days just as it was ending. Figures. Colin seemed to enjoy this year so it should be interesting to see how he is next year. I just love that he is interested in sports.
He even tolerated half of this weekend's PSU game. He looked so cute in his little white out tee shirt. I'm kicking myself that I didn't take any photos of him. If you have never been to a PSU game, add it to your bucket list. There is no other experience like it. We are....Penn State!
Just a quick post and a LO tonight, I will be posting more tomorrow. I just finished two projects that I will scan/take photos of tomorrow and then hopefully share. I realize that I often tell you about what I am GOING to post but somehow if I put it in writing, it tends to actually happen, lol.
Anyway, here's a LO that I completed in an effort to use all of the wonderful supplies that I own. I admit, I tend to hold on to things that I love since I'm afraid that I will ruin said product. I'm working on that:-) Anyway, have a good night and I chat tomorrow!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Two posts in one day....

it's kind of weird, Colin is asleep really early today and I'm not quite sure what to do with the extra time. I'm actually a bit concerned. He is a MAJOR night owl. Needless to say I have been checking on him like every 15 minutes just to make sure he is still my kid. Maybe vacation and a full week of preschool has finally caught up to him? Anyway since I am awake and it's before midnight, I thought I would post a few new projects. I was telling you about the "me museum" at Colin's preschool. They gave us an 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of cardstock but I couldn't fit all of the photos that I wanted to include and I didn't feel like reprinting them smaller. Besides, I checked out the wall, (a nice perk to handing ours in late), and I was not the only one who expanded their canvas.

I also created a card and used up a few scraps. I may be on to something....

And here's another new LO. I hid my journaling on the back of the tag.

I have to say that I am a huge fan of the charcoal gray products that are available right now. For some reason I think the tone on tone looks the best with gray. Anyway, I have spent a lot of time on line the last few days so I'm planning to give my eyes a little rest and actually work on something.
Although to work on what I want to work on, I need to edit pictures...okay, maybe I will be online for a "few" more minutes, lol.

Under Construction...

I won't even tell you how long it has taken me to make this blog banner. Let's just say, you won't be seeing any digital pages from me anytime soon. Hopefully folks weren't checking in during the really scary times. There were a few options that just did not work. So far I'm happy with how things look...at least for now. Don't get me wrong, I see the benefit to scrapbooking digitally but there are just too many choices for me. I have no idea how I would ever get anything completed? I'll stick with my paper and glue. It's what works for me.

While I'm still awake I might as well share another page. This page I completed after I found a photo of Colin as a baby. I took this photo long before knowing how to frame things or edit them. So by reprinting it, I was able to realize it's potential.

Well that's it for tonight. I'm off to get a bit of shut eye to prepare for what I'm sure will be a very long day tomorrow.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Starting to feel the pressure...

I just completed an "all about me" page for my son's preschool. I seriously stressed about this for a few minutes. We were on vacation when they were due so I haven't turned his in yet. I just started throwing something together and then I realized that this would be hanging in his classroom all year. Considering that just about everyone knows that I am obsessed with scrapbooking, I decided to spend "a little" more time making it kind of cute.

I am impressed that I am finally starting to get faster at completing LO's. I usually am able to complete at least a few each week but the two nights that I had time to scrap this week I got a LO done each evening. It's so nice to COMPLETE something. I really think that is a major reason why I scrap. I can actually check something off of my ever growing list of things to do.

Now if I can just check getting more sleep off of my list I would be set.

Here's a LO that I completed with the August Scarlet Lime Kit. I just love all of the little tags that were included. It was a great way to pull all of the colors in the LO together. Enjoy and hopefully I will remember to take a photo of Colin's all about me page before sending it to school tomorrow, lol!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Getting back into the groove.....

We had a WONDERFUL time in Disney this past week. We were very fortunate to have an extra set of hands. I would have not been able to make it through this week without them, thanks BaBa and G Dad. We got in last night and took today to get reorganized and settled for tomorrow. I did a few neat scrappy things for this trip that I will share as soon as I take photos. I do have to say, that this was the most organized I have been for a trip thanks to my scrap supplies. I made laminated cards that contained all of our important info for the week. I of course make it cute by using coordinating pattern paper and a little ribbon. We had a great time, but it is nice to be home. Now if I could just have a little more pixie dust to finish the rest of this laundry I would be set!

Friday, September 5, 2008

I'm here!

Wow, it's been awhile since I checked in. We have been extremely busy getting ready for vacation, finishing projects and taking on extra things because I have so much extra time on me hands, lol.

Colin just started playing 4 year old soccer, yes he is 3 but kicks like a 5 year old so we figured we would give it a shot. So far so good. He's learning some valuable skills and doing lots of running. He actually said he was a little tired today. He very rarely says that. To get him on the team I needed to be a coach so I haven't had a chance to get any photos yet. I'm going to try to bring my camera next time and try to sneak a few shots of him playing with the big kids, it's so cute.

So do you want to hear my crazy list of things that I need to do before we go on vacation? Yeah, so I decided to make tee shirts...those need finished, I made allergy free cookies and doughnuts, I plan on making cupcakes and muffins yet, a new flavor of ice cream and I need to pack Colin staples (just in case they can't make anything that he likes while we are there), coordinate with the house sitter, buy Colin new sneakers 40 mins from here, pack, finish laundry, iron, pick up dry ice for frozen food, tie loose ends up at work, oh and most importantly...finish scraping last year's photos before taking more. I'm sure there are like 10 other things that I need to do that I haven't thought of yet. It makes me tired just thinking about it.

Did I mention that we are going to the Mouse? For the third time? Please send prayers that all of the hurricanes stay in the ocean and that it is only hot and miserable there versus hot, miserable and wet.

Here's my public service announcement for today. Disney does a great job with managing food allergies. Yeah! It's because of Disney that my son knows what the inside of a restaurant looks like. They really have a great system in place, and if my kid wasn't an anxious eater, I wouldn't need to bring a thing with me. How nice would that be?? Colin still gets a little worried if he doesn't recognize the food in front of him. Which is actually a good thing. I would rather struggle with getting him to trust me and try new things than to just eat anything and get sick all of the time.

Here's another funny story...you know I need to make up for not blogging for like weeks. My wonderful husband is not thrilled with eating breakfast in the Castle. He thinks it's expensive and that we have a boy and he's, (Colin but he really means that he, Matt)is not interested in eating with the princesses. Um hello, I want to eat with the princesses. He doesn't realize that Disney is like a scrapbookers shangrala and that I will be in all of my glory snapping all of those photos. Jeez, if they had that Bibbidi Bobbdi Bo Boutique for grown ups I would so totally sign up and pay the price of our flights to get all gussied up like a princess. And I would proudly walk around the park like I dressed like that every day.

So wish us luck, it's a lot of work and I will be exhausted when we get back. So if you made it to here...you definitely deserve some eye candy. And I have tons, here's a bunch of layouts that I submitted that haven't gotten picked up. So they are free to share! So enjoy and I will talk to you soon, hopefully with an updated to do list that has everything checked off.