Friday, April 10, 2009

Thank you Willy Wonka

For making artificially flavored candy that contains little to no nutritional content, (which means no allergic food proteins). The cute packaging in plastic eggs is a sweet bonus. I'll be honest. Easter stresses me out a bit. Eggs are the one food that really could threaten Colin's life. He's had significant reactions to small amounts of milk in the past. He's never touched an egg or has ingested a product that contains eggs. However, his egg numbers are way higher than his milk numbers. So as much as I have been enjoying all of the beautifully decorated Easter Eggs on my usual blog hopping tour, I unfortunately will not be emulating any of those techniques or photographing pretty eggs in baskets on this blog.
Ours will be plastic, fake and filled with not so good for you candy that is just perfect for Colin. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I totally here ya!! Ethan can eat some baked goods now with egg in it... he's 10... so there's light at the end of the tunnel. :)