In case you can't read it that is in the order that they were drawn Scraprageous 4:54PM, Me 3:10PM, Suzeyq 10:41PM, June 10:59PM, Chrispea 7:09PM and Scrapiano 8:41AM.
So email me,, and list your choices from 1-6. I will do my best to get everyone as close as I can to their favorites. I took photos of most of the pieces, but I have to leave something for a surprise right? With each "kit" there will also be 2 pieces of the new American Crafts Cardstock, just because it is so awesome that I just have to share, coordinating vintage buttons and trim.
The lacing card kit also has some grungboard pieces and additional metal pieces.
Thanks for playing and congrats to all of the winners. We will have to do this again sometime!
Wow!!! Thank you again for doing this - it is very kind. I sent you an email. Goodluck with the classes - the Disney sounds interesting, but I will be in South Dakota that day.
Wow, thanks!! Woo hoo! I emailed you, too.
Yeahhhhhh! I NEVER won before!
Can you tell I'm excited - LOL! I pm'd you because I couldn't find your email address!
Oh wow! That is just so very cool! and nice! and kind! and generous of you! Thank you, thank you! I looked at all the fabulous kits you put together and I like them all. The only thing I wouldn't use would be the studio g stamps. And that's just because I already have them. (tee hee) So surprise me please! It's too hard for me to pick one.
Thanks again!
Renee (sent you an email)
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