Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Feels Like Forever Since I Posted...

Probably because it has been. Things are a bit crazy right now as I prepare to go back to work and oh yeah...there's that whole Christmas thing. I knew that my leave would fly by with the extra stress of the holidays but I am trying to enjoy my last bit of time at home while getting that major list of things done that I totally thought I would start weeks ago.

Awesome. Miss C. already woke up from a 15 minute nap. Nice.

Wait maybe she's going back to sleep.


Wait, maybe she is. Well I'll post the major things and the rest will have to wait.

This is how Colin came home from school one day last week. You would think he was having a pretty good time there. Well he's has been miserable and since I am in super duper protective mama bear mode...thanks hormones. I have been spending as much time in his classroom as I could while I was on leave.

I totally see why he is miserable. Everyone in that school is incredibly stressed. Very few smiling faces, the students are yelled at after they make a poor choice rather than helping them make good ones, the classroom is large and there is little to no extra help for the teacher. Colin is sinking faster than the Titanic at this point. And this is from a kid who likes to do worksheets for fun??? He can tell you what the score will be in a football game with various scenarios...if we get the field goal, the extra point and now he is learning about two point conversions. For him to not like school at this point there is something terribly wrong.

So we have made the decision to pull him out of public school and he will be starting in a private Catholic school after the holiday. Now both my husband and I attended Cathoilic school from K-12 grade so this isn't that far of a stretch. We had just felt that there were so many other opportunities in a public school and that it was good enough. The school he is going to is warm and caring with smaller classrooms, options to do advanced work and most importantly they spend time helping the children succeed instead of trying to corral too many students into the corner in the rush, rush, rush of the day. I really feel like this will be a better fit for our family. However there will be a lot of adjustments for us to make this transition, like uniforms and getting up early. Okay so maybe only two adjustments but they are BIG ones. Think of us if you get a chance. :-)

On a happier note Matt and I attended his annual Christmas party and I found a dress in less than 15 minutes, it was only 29.95 and it had a built in nursing top. I figure that it would be a good investment if I end up going anywhere fancy with the baby. I hound this at H and M which I had no idea had a maternity section.

Well I gotta run...I have loads to do and only a few weeks to do it. And looking at this picture I need to go to the gym. :-)

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Good luck with the private school adjustments! ...I also had no idea that H&M had a maternity section, now if only I lived near one again. You look great!