Friday, June 25, 2010

I Can't Believe it Either...

Not only did I finish a LO I also actually took a photo of it and posted it.


I have another College Press LO to take a photo of based on this challenge. I hope everyone gets a chance to play along since it's a great prize pack to win.

That's it for now...I'm in the process of claiming my scraproom back.

This may take awhile.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I Think I Found Bedding...


This is the closest I have found to our color scheme. Our crib isn't black so I may add a different bed skirt in black to make everything work but I'm pretty happy with it. The room is already painted yellow so I only need bedding for Colin and we may be set, lol!

Things I NEED to Do...

-I really need to take a baby bump pic. I'm 23 Weeks today.
-Actually decide on a name for our little Faust bean.
-Get to the gym this afternoon.
-Start purging Colin's clothes to make room for his sister's.
-Finish washing every towel we own...has it really been that long since I did laundry?
-Make something...anything...I'm seriously going crazy.

And try to soak in every last moment of it just being the three of us...since it feels like I'm going to blink and we will be a family of four. I still don't think it has completely sunk in.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Mickey and Minnie Bedroom

So I have committed to the Mickey and Minnie Mouse theme for Colin and the Baby's room. Since there are very few products that fit my Mouse theme that aren't too cutesy, I plan on using a general red, black and yellow color scheme. Lucky for me, the bedroom is already painted Mickey Yellow :-)

When we were in Disney I searched the Art Galleries for an inexpensive print that I could use in the room as a focal point. Of course the one that I loved was $6500...not exactly in the budget.

So I did a search online and found that Amazon has loads of movie posters for sale and I plan to buy a few and frame them. Here are a couple of the options.




Classic/Vintage Mickey and Minnie are my favorites and having any of these in that room would make me incredibly happy. It will be like my own personal Disney fix on a daily basis. I can't wait to start putting everything together.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Hi Hope!

So do you want to hear the funniest thing ever?

Okay so it's maybe not the funniest but it's pretty close.

So Colin has a few routines in town and he pretty much does the same thing week after week. Every Wednesday my Mom and Sam pick him up from school and he hits up one of his local hangouts, McDonalds, Tumble Town, Burger King, etc. One of those hang outs is the Dollar Store. And upon entering this store he is greeted like Norm in Cheers. He walks in, the cashier says, "Hi Colin," and Colin says, "Hi Hope" and runs to the toy section!?

When he orders at McDonald's a young girl always puts his Chicken Selects in his Happy Meal bag and when he walks into Subway the staff change their gloves and wash their hands.

I guess it's kind of silly but it warms my heart that folks recognize him and go out of their way to make him feel special.

And it just makes me laugh when he asks if Hope worked at the Dollar Store when I was a kid :-)

It's much better than when he asks if they even had Dollar Stores when I was a know when the dinosaurs were around.