Monday, June 22, 2009

Work at Home Day...

I'm trying to decide how to spend my time tomorrow.
Part of me wants to keep Colin home from school and spend the day at Hershey Park.
Part of me wants to scrapbook all day and just have some me time.
Most of me wants to organize the closets, put away laundry, and run errands.
I have a feeling that most of me will win so I will try to scrap now to compensate!


Cassie said...

I'm having the same feelings. I feel like taking a day off from work for me, but the house needs a huge cleaning. Tonight I took the kids to an outdoor concert they have in our town center on tuesday nights so I got doing something fun with them out of my system.

Unknown said...

So, which part of you won? We did Kennywood yesterday and now I feel like I got hit by a truck! Can't do amusement parks for 8+ hours anymore! LOL!

Rosa B. said...

Hey, Kristin! Just wanted to let you know that I have a blog award for you on my blog - check it out! :) Always love your work! Have a great day!