Friday, October 24, 2008

Learning Photoshop....

I have been spending the very little free time that I have had learning how to edit my photos in Photoshop. I'm starting to understand some of it and hopefully can post some cool photos soon. I did manage to scrap a little though. I worked on these LO's with my Scarlet Lime October Kit. I just opened the box and only added adhesive and letter stickers. It was a challenge to work with some of the elements but I am happy with how they turned out. Just a quick post tonight since I am working on Colin's homemade spiderman costume. I made the trial one. It's too short in the torso and arms. I'll try again tomorrow after a good night's rest.
In the mean are two of the LO's I made with this month's kit.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

By george I think I got it....

I think I have finally figured out a groove to getting more done in the few hours that I have each day. Get up early?!?! I woke up this AM at 4:30AM and started laundry, checked email, and of course scrapped a little. I'm awake and feel way more productive than if I stayed up till 4:30AM. It's amazing what a little pumpkin patch motivation will do for a scrapbooker, lol. I have a busy day, well weekend, ahead of me and I feel ready to take it on with clean clothes and a newly completed LO. Life is good :-) For those of you who have been juggling this whole mom/work/scrapper thing longer than I have, when did you have your aha moment? Do you work better in the late AM or the early AM? You know the hours when we should be sleeping. I'm convinced if I slept 8 hours every night that I would never get anything accomplished. And doesn't he just look worth it. Have a good day!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Check this out....

Here's an article that I completed for It was so exciting to see this posted. I was really happy with how things came together for this.

In other news, Reminisce is counting down their winners day by day. Didn't they get the memo that I am literally the most impatient person on the planet?? Hopefully it will be worth the wait and if not, well, it was fun playing along and being inspired by so many interesting paper craft projects.
Here's a LO that I completed in the beginning of the summer documenting when I gave Colin his first buzz cut. In my defense, I didn't realize how many bald spots he had underneath his coif. It has since grown back, and I have been instructed to take my son to a hairdresser for any future haircuts.